"Yui takes my breath away every time I hear her enter through that portal onto hallowed ground."
Jerry Dubins, "Fanfare" (Nov./Dec. 2014)
“A disciple of Byron Janis, [.....] author of a doctoral thesis on “The Life of Marie Pleyel”, also a lecturer, Lisa Yui is a musical phenomenon!"
S.F., “Pianiste" (Sep.-Oct. 2011)
“Yui has a seemingly effortless brilliance of technique, and evenness and precision of articulation, allied to expressive phasing and unostentatious rubato.....”
- EPTA Journal
"Lisa Yui offers us outstanding interpretations and presentations of these sonatas. . . . These performances. . . immediately strike you with its clarity of articulation, the flexibility of the notes. . . . In simple gestures, she clearly reveals the polyphony but with an overall dramatic sense (sonatas "Moonlight" and "Appassionata"). No phrase is aggressive, and this classical lyricism, anti-theatrical almost, is as effective as it is musical. Those who wish to learn more about these works will find included in this video precious help in the commentary."
S.F. "Pianiste" (July/August 2014)
Photo credit: Chris Lee